Tuesday, December 8, 2015


       I was so hungry I was going to die. Dad Please make the steak because I am supper hungry and I want to light the candles and get the first night of Hanukkah. He said OK. I went to set up the menorah. I got out Six candles. Two for me, Two for my sister, and Two for my dad. ( My mom is not Jewish so she does not have one). I put the candles in. My dad got the prayers out and my mom got the camera out. 

    We light the shamus and started to light the candles.  Then we had to say another prayer one since it was the first night of Hanukkah. When we finished my dad went to get the gifts. This is the best part for me. Then he gave me my present, then helens. We both opened them at the same times. She got a itunes gift card and I got a video game for my xbox one.  


  1. i like how you made this all dramatic

  2. i liked how you made the first part about being hungry really dramatic

  3. YAYYY!! Video Games! XBOX! Hanukkah! Presents!

    I leik how dramatic u made this at the start. :)

  4. I'm glad that you decided to describe the first night of Hanukkah-it's not an experience I'm super familiar with, but I totally get the feeling of anticipation before food OR gifts. Good choice.

  5. I like that you make it dramatic. I like your SOL!

  6. ya a video game for your xbox one!
