Friday, March 13, 2015
Slice 13/31
I think oh god. I feel a hot rush in my noes. My hart rate goes way up. I try to find the closest tissue but their are now to be found. It starts to come out of my nose. I see it. I start to freak out. I drop my pizza on the ground. Why? Why? could it be a worse time? NO. Its expo!!! I run into the bathroom only to look back and see the trail of blood that I left behind. I apply pinch my nose and it seems to stop. I walkout of EC to head to my little buddys expo which just started. Right as I walk into logan, I feel the Hot rush. D*mn it. I run back into E.C. I get a bunch of tissues's and sit on the couch. I can tell that it is a gusher. Five min pass and it is running. I think it stops and take off the tissue. Bad idea. I starts again. This time way worse. It starts to come out of my mouth. Now an hour has passed. The E.C worker has called my parents and they are on their way. Then it gets worse. Now, she gets scared and was about to call the ambulance. I say " Can we just wait until my mom and dad come?" She said fine. Then Jordan, a girl in my class dad came to pick her up and take her to expo. It turns out that he was the head of the E.R at children's. Then he pinches my nose for like five min and then all just like that, it stops. He magic. Well, it turns out that my nose bleed was two hours long and I
had missed half of my expo.
That does Not sound like fun. How can you get a nosebleed out of your mouth? Nice Slice.