Week two
This book is about a black girl named Dana who one day gets drowsy and then goes back to slave times. When she got their, she looked around and found a little red head boy drowning in a lake. she swam out to the boy and saved him. Then his dad took out his gun and threatened her with it. Then she got dizzy again and went back two her time. Why did this happen?
I really liked this book. I would recommend this book to any one but their a lot of bad topics in this book.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Slice of life #6
Well, one night I was on a redeye to Mexico and had nothing to do. I asked my mom if I could watch TV on the plane and she said yes. The problem was, that their was absolute crap on the TV called Jessie or something like that. So, I tried to learn all of the capitols in the USA. I failed but at lest it was fun trying to learn them all.
Well, one night I was on a redeye to Mexico and had nothing to do. I asked my mom if I could watch TV on the plane and she said yes. The problem was, that their was absolute crap on the TV called Jessie or something like that. So, I tried to learn all of the capitols in the USA. I failed but at lest it was fun trying to learn them all.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Kindred by Octavia Butler
Kindred is about two people who are kindred to each other. Dana is a young woman who lives in 1970's California. Rufus is a boy that lives in the south when slaves are going on. One day Dana got dizzy and when back to Rufus time. when she look around she saw a young boy drawing in a lake. Dana saved the youth boy. Who was the boy? Will Dana get back her time? why did she go back in time?
I loved this book. It was a great book. Their are some rough topics in this book though but is a great book. I would recommend it to anyone.
Kindred is about two people who are kindred to each other. Dana is a young woman who lives in 1970's California. Rufus is a boy that lives in the south when slaves are going on. One day Dana got dizzy and when back to Rufus time. when she look around she saw a young boy drawing in a lake. Dana saved the youth boy. Who was the boy? Will Dana get back her time? why did she go back in time?
I loved this book. It was a great book. Their are some rough topics in this book though but is a great book. I would recommend it to anyone.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Slice of life #5
So, we had just got to the store and helen had already picked out two things the my mom let her get! I had asked my mom if i could get something too and she said no. I was so mad! I said why dose Helen get to pick something out from the store and I don't? She answered "too bad life is not fair!". I made a packed to never go to the store with my mom. Then the next week we were driving home from school when she stopped at the grocery store and let me pick out something and did not let helen get any thing. then I was happy.
So, we had just got to the store and helen had already picked out two things the my mom let her get! I had asked my mom if i could get something too and she said no. I was so mad! I said why dose Helen get to pick something out from the store and I don't? She answered "too bad life is not fair!". I made a packed to never go to the store with my mom. Then the next week we were driving home from school when she stopped at the grocery store and let me pick out something and did not let helen get any thing. then I was happy.